Emergency Medical Technician Short Term Certificate

Degree Type
Short-Term Certificate
Location Sumiton Campus

Fayette, Hamilton, & Sumiton Campuses

Admission Requirements

Applicants must comply with the Essential Functions of the program and provide a current (within the last 6 months) physical exam including up-to-date immunizations. Upon entry into the program the student must provide verification of current health insurance. Applicants must adhere to the Alabama Department of Public Health Administrative Code, Chapter 420-2-1.

  1. Clinical agencies/facilities require the College to provide evidence that student participants are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Students will be required, at their own expense, to have an initial drug screen at a time and place determined by the faculty prior to entering clinicals. In addition, random drug screens will be conducted throughout the curriculum. If a drug screen is positive, the student will be immediately dismissed from the EMT program.

  2. If there is reasonable cause to believe a student is in violation of the institutional conduct code, such as observable changes in behavior, performance, appearance, or speech, the student will be dismissed from the EMT program immediately.

  3. Certain clinical facilities utilized by the EMT program require criminal background checks declaring that the student has no criminal history. Therefore, a background check will be required prior to enrollment in the EMT program. The cost of the background check will be the responsibility of the student. Issues pertaining to a student’s positive background check may result in the student being denied admission to or dismissal from the EMT program.

  4. Emergency Medical Technician faculty reserves the right to require, at any time, proof of a student’s physical, mental, and/or emotional health. All students must be able to perform the Essential Functions. The faculty may require students to receive, at the student’s expense, counseling and/or medical treatment in order to continue in the program. If treatment is required, the student must provide documentation from the attending physician/primary healthcare provider of the student’s ability to perform skills effectively.

  5. A student who is hospitalized for any existing health problem must submit a statement from the physician/primary healthcare provider indicating ability to continue in clinicals and/or the program.

  6. A completed health form must be submitted to the EMS Program Director. In addition, students must comply with any additional health requirements of clinical agencies.

  7. All students must present verification of health insurance coverage before attending the first scheduled class day, as well as maintain this health insurance coverage throughout the program of study.

  8. A dismissal from the EMT program will result in a student being ineligible for readmission to the EMT program or any other Health Science program offered at Bevill State.

  9. At no time will a student be substituted for staff during a hospital or prehospital clinical.

  10. There is no advance placement, experiential learning credit, or challenge for EMS courses.

Upon completion of program requirements students must pass licensure exam for employment purposes.

Field of Concentration Courses - EMT

ORI 107 is a pre/co-requisite for this certificate.

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