Non-Degree (Certificate) Programs Admission Requirements

An applicant to a course not creditable toward an associate degree and programs comprised exclusively of courses not creditable to an associate degree may be admitted provided the applicant is 1) at least seventeen (17) years of age; 2) has not been enrolled in secondary education for at least one calendar year or provides written recommendation from the local superintendent of education; and 3) has achieved sufficient scores on an approved assessment.

Bevill State offers a Truck Driver Training program under this provision. In addition, Truck Driver Training applicants must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and hold a valid driver’s license.

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, Truck Driver Training applicants must have the ability to read and speak the English language efficiently, to converse with the general public, to understand highway traffic signs and signals in the English language, to respond to official inquiries, and to make entries on reports and records. They must pass the DOT physical (administered at student’s expense) and a drug screening. The College will acquire a Motor Vehicle Report on each Truck Driver Training student. The report, which lists all accidents and moving violations within the last five years, will be obtained from the Alabama Department of Public Safety. A copy will be given to the student and a copy will be kept on file, according to Department of Transportation regulations. Applicants for the Truck Driver Training program are required to submit their applications along with payment of tuition to secure placement in the next available class.

A student shall be classified as non-degree eligible and shall not be allowed to enroll in a course creditable toward an associate degree unless appropriate conditions are met. The College may establish higher or additional admission requirements for a specific program or service when student enrollment must be limited.