Location of and Individuals Responsible for Student Records

The College has designated the following officials as responsible for maintaining student records.

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students has the overall responsibility of providing an adequate student record system. This activity includes the maintenance and continuous updating of student records as controlled by provisions in this policy and governed by Public Law 93-380. The Dean of Students will be assisted in this responsibility by:

Directors of Student Services

The Directors of Student Services are charged with the responsibility of developing an individual student record upon a student’s acceptance to the institution. In addition, the Directors of Student Services are responsible for continuously maintaining all students’ files in a safe and orderly manner and updating all records needed on the individual student, including compliance with provisions of this policy regarding the release of information to students, faculty advisors, counselors, institutional administrators, and local, state, and national organizations and agencies.

Director of Financial Aid

The Director of Financial Aid has the responsibility of maintaining an adequate and up-to-date student record file on all students receiving any institutional, local, state, or federal financial assistance. The Director of Financial Aid will see that all provisions of the individual student records policy are properly carried out.

Vice President of Administration and Operations

The Vice President of Administration and Operations will have the responsibility of compliance with all provisions as set forth in this policy as they apply to the release of financial information concerning individual students.